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10 ways to get more rest

Rest is essential for our wellbeing. The brain boosting benefits of rest include better memory and learning, attention, creativity, and productivity. Rest also helps to regulate mood, emotions, and appetite.

There are many ways to get more rest. Unlike sleep – which is best enjoyed in a block of consecutive time – rest can be sprinkled throughout the day. Little and often is the way to go, supported by one or two longer breaks as needed.

What counts as rest?

For the purposes of this article, when we refer to rest, we’re referring to moments of idleness or downtime where your brain is taking a break from mental effort, such as processing new experiences and information. Rest is usually time away from other people, too – it’s inherently introspective.

Below are some ideas to help you get more rest.

1. Do some deep breathing

A Groov go-to, deep breathing helps to bring your focus back into the present moment and find calm.

2. Sit outside

Take a few moments to sit in the fresh air and observe the weather and watch the clouds. Being in nature, especially in a green space, has numerous benefits for your brain health. Breathe and just be.

3. Pet a pet

Pets are wonderful at bringing attention back to the present and giving your brain a break.

4. Connect with all 5 senses

Tap into all five senses. What can you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste?

5. Make a cuppa

Brew your favourite hot drink and sip it away from screens. Really focus on the taste. This is one of Groov co-founder Sir John Kirwan’s daily wellbeing habits.

6. Water your plants

Tend to your house or office plants, or take some time out in the garden. As mentioned in point two, green spaces are excellent for brain health.

7. Take a 'water break'

Staying hydrated is a great opportunity for a break - but there’s also something about just being near water that promotes a sense of calm and restoration. When you wash your hands, spend a little extra time letting the water run over your hands. If you're at home, you could soak your feet or take a shower.

8. Stretch

A quick stretch is great for your physical health and gives your brain a rest from processing information, too.

9. Doodle

Doodling helps to give your brain a quick break from processing new information. It’s a quick and easy way to recharge if you work a desk job.

10. Listen to music

Whether it’s calming music or your favourite tunes, listening to music gives your brain a rest and can also stimulate the body’s feel-good chemicals, such as oxytocin and endorphins.