Spot these small things and grow your daily gratitude
A patch of morning sun on your wall
A dog wagging its tail on a walk
When it’s raining and you don’t need to go out
A runner giving all their effort up a hill
Cheesy songs being played in the supermarket
A kid who’s happy to see you
Fresh bed linen
The sound of kids playing
Someone with great style
A perfectly ripe avocado
New season fruit and veg
A group of cyclists chatting together at traffic lights
Blue sky
A parking space right outside where you need to be
A funny meme sent by a friend
When it’s mild enough to go out without a coat
The smell of freshly cut grass
Getting into comfy clothes when you’re home from work
Knowing you’ve got leftovers for dinner and don’t need to cook
A tight hug with a loved one
Blossom on trees
A cat sunning themselves on a wall
Waking up next to someone you love
When all the traffic lights are green