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The 6 Pillars of Wellbeing: Connect

If there’s one thing we humans need, it’s each other. Feeling connected to others is good for us on so many levels.

Not only does social connection trigger oxytocin, the feel-good ‘bonding hormone’, but it’s been linked with better physical health and longevity, and has also been shown to contribute to lower levels of depression and anxiety.

Being connected to others is not just about how many social events you have in your diary, it’s the feeling of belonging that you get when you have close relationships with the important people in your life.

Social connection is something that we need to prioritise so that we can feel well-supported as we go through life. Here are some simple ideas for building those bonds.

Host a games night

Getting a group of friends together to play board games is a good way to dial up the fun and laughter. Not only do you get to be in each other’s company but participating in a shared activity is a good way to spend quality time and take your mind off the usual distractions of the day.

Join a book club

If you like reading then forming or joining a book club provides the chance to get together and share your thoughts and feelings on the topics you’re reading about. When you’ve all read the same book there will be lots to discuss and it can be fascinating to hear how other people view things.

Start a team

Getting friends together to form a friendly sports team, or even to do a regular class together like bootcamp or Zumba is a great way to have fun and stay accountable for showing up and getting moving. Knowing that you’re not only doing something great for your own health but for the health of your mates too will give you a big boost.

Give back

Making a contribution to your community is a really powerful way to be connected to the lives of others. When we do what we can for others it can give us a feeling of purpose, as well as comfort in the thought that there are always people out there who are caring for those in need.


It’s easy to lose touch with people when life gets busy but next time you’re scrolling through social media, instead of just passively viewing other people’s pics, why not DM a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Let them know what’s been happening in your world and ask about theirs. Better still, use your phone or its original purpose and make a call to someone you love.

Fully focus

One of the best ways to boost our feelings of connection is to make sure that when we are with the people we care about we give them our full attention. Get rid of all distractions (smartphones, we’re looking at you) and practice active listening and making eye contact to really feel that sense of togetherness.