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The 6 Pillars: Do. Learn and discover

When we carve out a little time each day to learn something we’re doing our brains a big favour.

In the process of learning new things we’re actually strengthening our neural pathways and helping to keep brain cells functioning at their best.

As we’re learning, we can gain a sense of achievement and feel more empowered as we grow what we know. Just think of the satisfaction that comes from progressing a project or making a discovery. It can give you a big boost.

The best part is there are no rules when it comes to learning. It’s just a matter of getting curious about the topics that interest you most. You get to expand on what you know in a way that feels good and brings with it a sense of purpose.

Make learning part of every day by keeping it small and achievable - everyday learning shouldn’t be arduous. It’s a chance to have fun and feel proud of yourself too.


Have a look at this list and see what piques your interest.

Take an armchair trip

Whilst we may be limited in where we can travel to in the foreseeable future, we can still engage in some armchair adventures through books, films or TV documentaries. Pick a place you’ve always wanted to visit and discover more about the culture, history or cuisine of that area. You could even try making some of the food from that region yourself and invite friends over to share it.

Listen to podcasts

Podcasts are a great source of information and entertainment, with the added benefit that you can listen to them while you’re on the move. They can keep you company during your commute, while doing the weekly chores or when you’re out for a solitary walk.

Whether your interests lie in architecture, economics or the environment you just need to search around to find something that suits you.

Get puzzling

Becoming immersed in a puzzle can be a great way to de-stress and unwind after a busy day. A crossword or sudoku that requires enough focus to keep your mind occupied but that’s not so challenging as to frustrate you is about right. And the satisfaction of solving a clue or figuring out the final square can be huge!

Take a course

Whether it’s cooking, pottery or life drawing, trying your hand at something different is a great thing to do throughout your life. Sign up to something that you’ve always wondered about and give it a whirl. When everyone’s a beginner there’s bound to be a few mistakes made so let that be part of the fun.

Increase your vocab

Learning a new language is a fantastic skill to have but even just knowing a few key words in another tongue is a great place to start. To keep you motivated, you could learn the native language of a friend so you can speak to them, or of a place that you’d love to visit someday. Try learning one word a day and watch as your knowledge base grows.