Aerobic exercise to improve cognition
As well as working wonders for your physical health and overall wellbeing, did you know that aerobic (cardio) exercise can protect your brain from cognitive decline AND improve cognitive functioning?
One study showed that after just one workout, the 3 most consistent effects reported were improvements in cognitive tasks that depend on the prefrontal cortex (things like colour and word recall tests), enhancements in mood state (yay endorphins!), and decreases in stress levels.
Another study reported that a doubled heart rate for just 5 minutes improved participant's reaction times.
Exercise promotes neurogenesis – the growth of new brain cells. Rats and mice studied running up ramps grew new brain cells in the hippocampus which is crucial for memory formation and storage.
Exercise also can improve the health and function of synapses (the place where messages are shared between nerves) meaning brain cells can better communicate with one another.
Your brain is like a muscle – exercise it and it will get stronger and bigger.
Longitudinal studies suggest exercising consistently can increase the size of the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (which are both susceptible to diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s) and help reduce or delay the onset of normal cognitive decline.
Choose moves that increase your heart and breathing rates, and make you sweat. Anything from a brisk walk, a few laps up and down the office stairs, star jumps in your lounge, a bike ride, or skipping! Challenge yourself to go faster or for longer, and mix your exercise up now and then for an even bigger brain boost.