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The power of slowing down at work

When you’re at work, slowing down might feel unproductive. But science actually tells a different story. Slowing down and taking several micro breaks throughout the day can be a potent productivity booster.

“Slowing down our brains allows us to ‘lock in’ with stimuli that we want to attend to, such as a work document or creative project, so that we are better able to get into a state of focused attention and concentration,” explains Carolyn Pritchett, PhD, Head of Neuroscience at Groov.

Adopting a slower pace offers many more benefits for our brains, including:

  • Better access to previously learned information

  • Increased creativity and problem solving

  • Better performance

  • The ability to enter ‘flow state’ or ‘be in the zone’

In fact, going too fast can sometimes be the opposite of productive. ‘Powering through’ without effective breaks often leads to more mistakes, reduced collaboration, declining mental capacity, compromised innovation, gaps in memory, diminished communication and relational skills, and many more consequences. In many cases, the faster you go, the less efficient you become.

To optimise your time and find the right pace for you, Dr Carolyn recommends working with your natural rhythms.

“Energy levels change throughout the day in 120-minute cycles, with roughly 90 minutes on, 20 minutes of recovery, and 5 minutes of phase changing either side,” explains Dr Carolyn.

Taking regular, planned breaks throughout your work day will help you sustain attention and concentration and perform at your best.